WeMarry.io is a small startup founded 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic, EU.
We are a couple of long-time friends who share many experiences. As relationships both of our friends and ours developed the wedding plans gradually began to crystallize.
All these plans were united by one surprising shortcoming - the very low quality of web services for creating a wedding websites. This was quite a shocking finding, especially in the context of today's digital age.
We immediately started developing this platform to enable thousands of people from all over the world to make beautiful wedding websites in minutes. In the highest level of privacy and data security.
Welcome and have a wonderful wedding.

V roce 2023 dochází k čerpání dotace z Výzvy č. 0381 – Kreativní vouchery v rámci Národního plánu obnovy – iniciativa Kreativní vouchery komponenty 4.5 Rozvoj kulturního a kreativního sektoru s názvem: Vivi Pic_Kreativní voucher. Projekt je realizován za finanční spoluúčasti Evropské unie prostřednictvím Národního plánu obnovy a Ministerstva kultury České republiky.

Financováno EU
Národní plán obnovy
Ministerstvo kultury